Friday, August 22, 2008

Leadership - Introduction to "The Grey Zone"

This blog is an attempt to put down my experiences and insights as an evolving Leader. I feel I have value to add on this – as I was not born or made into a Leader, but I just “DID” by deciding to become one.

What I believe is unique to this is that, firstly, it is a view from the ground - a perspective from somebody who has grown into this understanding. Secondly, the contents have been culled from my personal experiences and observations. And finally, I hope to keep the topics relevant and real-world and not based on theory.

I do not claim to be an expert, nor am I an academician steeped in research on the topic. Much has been written and discussed at length by both such groups. I hope to bring a more down-to-earth kind of Guidebook to Leaders who “would be” and “who are”.

Many a time in my career, I have longed for two things - a Mentor on Leadership and a Handbook of Leadership. I found neither. That is not to say that I did not come across Great and not-so-Great advice/guidance along the way. But I certainly missed having some sort of guideposts and mile-markers for me to then decide the route to take in my quest to become a Leader.

What I hope earnestly is that this blog and others like it become one of a set of guideposts along the path.

Leadership begins with the need for a very fundamental understanding…Situations in life are very rarely black or white. They are more likely to be a shade of Grey. The greater the acceptance of this fundamental principle, the sooner and easier it becomes to cope with the realities of Leadership.

The challenges this throws up from a Leadership perspective are very akin to the challenges of dealing with Life – which is very much about exercising judgment, being honest, being realistic and most important of all – Persevering with Patience.

In my personal experience what I have found consistently about Leadership is, you learn as much about the situations and people you interact with, as you learn about yourself as an individual. For those on the path of Leadership, be prepared to be exposed and very often quite vulnerable.

One of the keys to succeeding in this Grey Zone of ambiguity and even at times murkiness is a simple acceptance of such vagueness. It is only through an acceptance that directions which at first glance would seem impossible, come through to become a reality.

Further, Leadership is about Belief. Belief in yourself, in the people you work with, in the situations you are faced with and most of all – in an attitude that can at best be described as Positive.

It requires a commitment and willingness – almost an embracing of the concept of Change. But I would like to add a caveat to this – Positive Change.

Not all change is good and most certainly, most change is naturally hard to accept. The successful Leader is one who will embrace change and make it positive while others are still struggling to explain it.

I intend to approach this as a series of posts in this blog and welcome comments and debate. And I hope a great many of these topics will stay as burning issues much into the future – because the day some of these issues diminish, the world will have no need of Leaders and Oh what a dull world that would be.


Anonymous said...

Excellent initiative Bharath. I look forward to participating and to learn from here. The very best to you. Srini

Vignesh Kottaiveedu said...

I would love to hear real life experiences rather than theory. Looking forward to see more from you.

Anonymous said...

Leading is often from the gut. In many situations, a leader is equipped with a whole bunch of data points. These data points will show a certain direction but, when in the grey zone, it is your belief system that sets the path....
Belief in your values, belief in your team and belief in your vision are the key things.
This could very well spark the age old art vs. science debate!!

Bharath Kalyanram said...

Folks - Appreciate the initial responses. In my future posts, you will see that there are case studies and real life examples of situations - That's specifically for you Vignesh :-)

...Vikram - I do see that often it does ultimately come down to instinct and gut-feel. However, I do believe there are lessons and training that can evolve these capabilities so that the touchy-feely stuff becomes a little more based on "hard" experience.

Unknown said...

Leadership can be thought of as a capacity to define oneself to others in a way that clarifies and expands a vision of the future. Bharat has that capacity. Feel glad by getting a chance to learn from your observation and experiences.

Hari said...

Good Initiative.

In my perspective, Leadership is about envisioning and achieving revolutionary results through evolutionary changes.

It is important to create a conducive environment for roboust dialogue in order to achieve that.

“Leadership is action, not position” Donald H. McGannon

Leadership means everyone of us:
-Taking ownership of communication;
-Communicate honestly;
-Have integrity in all your dealings with our clients and team;
-Accept that leadership can transfer from one team member to another based on what is best for the team and goals.
"Leadership is about being committed to the SUCCESS of the organization".

What Leaders Do:
Leaders relentlessly upgrade their team, using every encounter as an opportunity to evaluate, coach, and build self confidence.
Leaders make sure people not only see the vision, they live and breathe it.
Leaders get into everyone’s skin, exuding positive energy and optimism.
Leaders establish trust with candor, transparency, and credit.
Leaders have the courage to make unpopular decisions and gut calls.
Leaders probe and push with a curiosity that borders on skepticism, making sure their questions are answered with action.
Leaders inspire risk taking and learning by setting the example.
Leaders celebrate.

Sure more things to share and look forward to but this is my first take of things.


Kotamraju's Blog said...

Bharath, Your thoughts on leadership are appreciative. The "grey zone" that you are refering to exists in most of the companies.

Visonary/Innovative thought process. Do you have any real life experience of that nature ?

Some of the example which I can quote are: Google, iPhone. No one asked for those but now no one can live with out those.


blogger said...

I can not agree more with you when u said about mentoring and the grey area of leadership.The funniest part is none of the "things to follow" is universal.It keeps changing person to person.The only thing that makes it universal are corporate policies:) But change is fun...definitely.

blogger said...

By the way...This is Shubhangi Josiam:)

Unknown said...

Hi Bharath,
My thought :
As the saying goes by George Bernard Shaw -"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable." Leaders who are relentless in converting Adversaries into Win's eventually are the successful lot"
Very goog initiative Bharath.

I look forward to participating and to learn from here.

Deepak Kumar

Anonymous said...

Hi Bharath,
Great to see this content on the blog. The chapters from your notebook are still vivid in my mind.
